Phone 724-887-4359 Fax 724-887-0767
Upper Tyrone Township Office hours: Monday -Thursday 7:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Closed Friday
You may also email the secretary at
Should you have an emergency situation you may call Supervisor Rich Beranek 724-984-4028.
Upper Tyrone Township Supervisors Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Officer – Joe Adams 724-323-4586 PERMITS: *Building, Demolition, Zoning etc. PERMITS Can be obtained from K2 Engineering. * You may call and ask for permitting office for Upper Tyrone Township at 724-438-3440, or you mayvisit office at: K2234 Pittsburgh StreetUniontown, PA 15401 HOP PERMITS*Upper Tyrone Township requires HOP permits for all driveways and road openings. Permits can be obtained at the Twp Municipal Building. TWP -Municipal No Lien fee $50.00 Lien Letters required for Township – Sewage, Water, Garbage Sewage/Water – Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County 724-755-5800 or North Fayette County Municipal Authority 724-626-1211 Garbage – Fayette Waste LLC 724-430-0100 Upper Tyrone Township would like to remind residents that burning is only allowed on Wednesdays and Saturdays during daylight hours.
TAX OFFICE IS OPEN Tuesdays & Thursdays 4-6pm during tax collections. (Office is currently closed)
You may drop your payment off in the Tax Collectors mailbox located on side of building, or you may mail your payment to address listed on Tax Bill.
Contact Information for any questions regarding real estate and school taxes please call:
Brittani Smouse – 724-244-8570
You may also go on facebook under Upper Tyrone Township Tax Collector