Common Questions

Building Permits

Building permits are handled through the Office of Planning and Community Development. The address is: Fayette County, Fourth Floor Courthouse, 61 East Main St., Uniontown, PA 15401. The phone number is 724-430-1210.


Burning in the township is permitted on Wednesday and Saturday, during daylight hours. You are not permitted to burn garbage, tires, asphalt, or any other hazardous pollutant materials. Burning must be supervised at all times

Township Meeting

The Upper Tyrone Township meeting will be held the second Tuesday of every month. The meeting will start promptly at 5:30 p.m. and will be held in the Municipal Building.

Voting Polls

All voting polls will be held in the Municipal Building at the appointed times of the polls.


The township and county taxes are included on your bill, which is mailed in April of each year. The school district taxes are mailed in August with all tax bills having discounts, face, and penalty periods. Also included with these are per capita tax. Earned Income Tax or Wage Tax is collected by Southwest Regional Tax Bureau and Berkheimer Associated at the rate of 1% each of gross wages. Occupation Privilege Tax is $10.00 each year.

Help Stop Illegal Garbage Dumping

The Township is asking citizen support in a attempt to eliminate illegal dumping along Township roads. Your assistance in reporting this illegal act will be most appreciated and will allow our Township to be a clean place to live. We would appreciate it if citizens would call and report the license number of vehicles that are dumping illegally. You identity will be kept confidential or is not required at all.